PT: Pueri Domus é uma escola com um sistema de ensino exclusivo e reconhecido. Possui unidades em São Paulo-SP, Barueri-SP e Mogi das Cruzes-SP. A animação foi produzida para um evento interno como parte das comemorações de seus 20 anos. Fui responsável por todo o projeto visual, do storyboard até as peças ilustradas para Motion (que ficou ao cargo de Hugo Caserta).
EN: Pueri Domus is a brazilian school with an exclusive and recognized educational system. This animation was produced for an event for all employees as part of its 20th anniversary celebrations, back in 2014. I was in charge of the visual project, from storyboarding to artworks for Motion Design by Hugo Caserta.
EN: Pueri Domus is a brazilian school with an exclusive and recognized educational system. This animation was produced for an event for all employees as part of its 20th anniversary celebrations, back in 2014. I was in charge of the visual project, from storyboarding to artworks for Motion Design by Hugo Caserta.